Friday, April 18, 2008

How do you get from Fender Bender to Fine Art?

Here is how Scott McMillin puts it:

I have been cutting up auto body parts that I get from body shops. This usually involves going to a body shop, explaining to whomever is in charge that I am an artist looking for car parts for an art project. Then, depending on the look on their face, I may whip out a picture or two to further illustrate what I am doing, followed by a quick, "no, I'm not the typical scrap metal scavenger you normally see".
On a side note, you know those guys you see going from trash can to trash can pushing a shopping cart full of aluminum cans that they turn in to a recycling place so they can get a few bucks to buy another 40 or some Boonsfarm. Well, there is slightly higher breed of these guys who drive around in beat up trucks going from body shop to body shop collecting any kind of scrap metal they can find... And they get up early, real early. So not only do I have to convince the owner of the body shop to part ways with their next-to-worthless scrap (they get about $200 per ton for it) I also have to beat Sanford and Son to the punch!
So anyway, after I procure my art materials, i.e. wrecked body parts, I bring them back to my studio and cut the parts, with a torch, into two inch or four inch squares. Then I wash each part and clear coat them and secure them to a board.
And that's how you get from fender bender to fine art! Sounds easy, huh!?

Scott McMillin's work will be on show at CorkStop Studios on Friday May 9th,2008

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